Read an article about EMI in TRACES ECRITES NEWS
Press 02/10/2023TRACES ECRITES NEWS took an interest in our factory extension project, which will include a 1,800 m² grey area with a 250 m² clean...
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TRACES ECRITES NEWS took an interest in our factory extension project, which will include a 1,800 m² grey area with a 250 m² clean...
Le Journal des Entreprises looks at EMI's expansion project. An additional 10,000 m² will be built, including a medical injection workshop...
Through an interview with Laurent ROCHER, Business Development Manager, Le Plastilien magazine highlights our OKMOS...
Zoom on EMI in the magazine Travail & Sécurité of the INRS France.
Our own product launched by EMI last summer, our electric skateboard is made of composites in our injection workshop using Organosheet technology....
Discover Fabian Tubiana's report on EMI and the interview with Jean-Pierre and Geoffrey Wissler in the March-April issue of Plastiques &...
France Innovation Plasturgie is organising a grand tour of the regions to highlight the exhibitors at its show.
For EMI's 25th anniversary, ADIRA - The Alsace Development Agency - has published an article on its website and social networks presenting EMI...